There are multiple ways to replace a tooth that is missing, whether it had to be extracted or if it fell out due to trauma, or any other reason. Bridges and partials are two of the ways that we can give you your full happy and functional smile.
Many people confuse bridges and partials, or they think that they are the same thing. However, there are a few differences when it comes to these tooth replacement options.
What Are Dental Bridges?
Bridges are a permanent way to replace a missing tooth or multiple teeth. The artificial tooth is cemented into place, so you never have to worry about them falling out or taking them out to clean them.
You can care for them just like your natural teeth, brushing, flossing, and mouthwash.
What Are Dental Partials?
Partials are a removable option for replacing missing teeth. They are typically less expensive than bridges, but they do require more maintenance. Similar to dentures, you would have to take them out and clean them. But they are a very cost-effective way to replace multiple missing teeth.
Contact Us
If you are missing a single tooth or multiple teeth, and you want to get your full smile back and the functionality of a full smile, contact us at Rockside Family Dental Care today. We can help you decide which tooth replacement option is the best for you.
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