What is Antibiotic Prophylaxis?

Antibiotic prophylaxis refers to patients taking antibiotics prior to their dental visit.

Why Would Someone Take Antibiotics Before a Dental Procedure?

Any time we do a procedure, a small amount of bacteria is going to be released into the bloodstream. This even happens when you brush your teeth. The more involved the procedure, the more bacteria can be released into the bloodstream.

For the vast majority of people, this is no big deal, but there are a few groups that this could be a problem.

Who Needs to Take Antibiotics Prior to a Dental Treatment?

The American Heart Association and American Dental Association provide some guidelines for who needs to take these antibiotics. But we ultimately refer to the patient’s doctor as they have extensive knowledge of the patient’s healthcare history.

This is just one of the reasons that we ask about your past medical history when you become a patient at Rockside Family Dental Care.

Learn More About Antibiotic Prophylaxis

If you are interested in learning more about how our practice handles antibiotic prophylaxis to keep our patients safe, please contact us today.

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