It is not often that someone is faced with a dental emergency, so it can be hard to tell when a situation calls for an emergency appointment. In our blog today, we are going to say a few tips so that you can know if you are experiencing a dental emergency.

Three Major Categories that Qualify an Emergency


If you have swelling and discomfort in your gum, this is likely an infection. Infections should be taken care of as soon as possible so that the issue doesn’t get worse.


If you are experiencing pain this likely means an infection is coming. Pain can be an obvious throbbing pain, sharp pain, and any extreme sensitivity to cold.


If you have a toothache and a fever, this can sometimes be accompanied by swelling but not always.


Non-dental emergencies would be any normal cold sensitivity or mild gum discomfort. These are things that you should make a regular appointment for soon but do not require an emergency visit.

Learn More About Dental Emergencies

If you are still unsure about what a dental emergency consists of, or if you think you are in a dental emergency right now, please call us straight away. (216.524.8481)

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